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Why do flowers wilt quickly

Let's start by looking at why this problem occurs:
Long time without water - when buying a bouquet, many people leave it without moisture for more than 30 minutes, which leads to rapid flower death later on;
Temperature fluctuations - any plant is a living organism which also reacts to extreme conditions: extreme heat or frost will affect the integrity of the bouquet;
Buying from unregulated markets - the best place to buy flowers is in proven places, where florists clearly know how to properly care for the plants and create optimal storage conditions;
Improper storage at home: draughts or heat from a radiator can affect bouquets' durability. In addition, the owner may forget to trim the stems after placing the bouquet in water - this is very important because the pores on the stems become clogged with air bubbles, preventing moisture from entering;
a dirty vase - if bacteria and pests have built up on the walls, the microflora will be pathogenic and will not allow the flowers to look fresh;
fallen leaves - after 2-3 days, leaves begin to fall into the vase, which often no one pays attention to, but in fact they greatly contaminate the water.

How to keep cut flowers fresher for longer
To keep your bouquet happy for a long time, you need to follow some rules and stick to them:

Keep the water temperature at around 22°C. Warm moisture moves along the stems much better and, as a result, the flowers last longer.
Be sure to cut back the lower leaves, which quickly fall off and release ethylene as they accumulate in the vase.
Spray the bouquet regularly so that the buds get plenty of moisture.
It's important to change the water daily so as not to create any pathogenic microflora.
Before putting the arrangement in a vase, trim off each tip of the stem by 45 degrees to ensure adequate nutrition for the plant.
Make sure to use preservatives, both professional and folk remedies.
Even in the floral world, there are commodity neighbours, so some plants are not suitable for creating mixed bouquets, e.g. hyacinth and daffodil are given separately as a gift. Carnations and roses, lilacs and violets, tulips and forget-me-nots and lily of the valley and violets are also incompatible.

Tips for keeping certain flowers fresh
When buying a rose, note the condition of the sepals, which should be green. Check that there are no breaks in the leaves or water droplets in the buds as water can cause them to quickly rot and wilt.  
To keep the bouquet fresh, we advise you to follow these simple guidelines:
when bringing the arrangement home during a cold period (especially from frost), don't immediately put it in water, it's better to leave the bouquet in the room for half an hour and then treat them afterwards;
the stems should only be half-immersed in the water solution;
shorten the stem to 30-40 cm so that the moisture can get to the buds more quickly;
be sure to remove the lower leaves to avoid them falling off and rotting in the water later on;
Always cut the stem tips under the water flow; cut at a 45-degree angle.

This flower keeps its fresh appearance for a relatively short time after cutting, usually between 3 and 5 days. But if you pay attention to the following criteria already when buying, the bouquet will delight you with a blooming look for a long time:
the leaves should be succulent, green, elastic, without cuts or damage;
Buds should be large, bright and dense. Never buy flowers fixed with an elastic band - when you bring them home and remove the elastic band, you'll see how quickly the bud will open and then fall off altogether;
We do not recommend buying tulips from cars, especially in spring. They are almost always sold already frozen and you won't be able to admire such a composition at home - once it has warmed up it will just droop and soon wither away.
Chrysanthemums are said to be the most unpretentious flowers in bouquets: Simply change the water regularly, keep an eye on the stems and make sure the dry leaves don't fall off.

It is advisable to have a taller vase with chlorine-free water for the bouquet.  
The stem should preferably be shortened to 40-50 cm and cut at an angle. It is important that the secateurs or scissors are sharp - the cut should not be crumpled.  
Be sure to remove all the lower leaves.  
When examining the buds, look for anthers (red stamens) on the blossoming flowers and remove them. It is best not to allow pollen to disperse over the flower as this also leads to wilting sooner.  
Purchase young flowers that have just begun to open. In the process, be sure to remove any faded or withered petals or leaves.                                           Specifics of storage depending on the season
During the colder seasons, choose flowers with a better frost resistance:
Carnations, roses, chrysanthemums, gerberas, calla lilies. Preferably choose a dark or bright bud colour. Arrangements of these flowers can withstand transport at low temperatures (down to -10 degrees C for a short period).  

If you want to present more delicate plants like lilies or freesias, the bouquet should be thoroughly insulated by covering it with thick layers of paper and try to keep it away from severe frost. When you bring the bouquet home, do not put it in a vase straight away; let the flowers gradually warm up. Then trim the stems and put the flowers in a vase with cold water.
During the summer the flowers need a lot of moisture, direct sunlight will quickly destroy all the beauty. When purchasing the arrangement, bear in mind that the bouquet can stay for no more than 30 minutes without water.  
Also make cuts in the stems. Put the vase in a shaded area so that the sun does not harm the buds. Be sure to change the water daily and trim or remove the dry leaves and petals.